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  • Party time!? :)

    18 February 2016

    Finally the day we've all been waiting for is here! MY wish come true. Haha I had wished for one thing because it was quite expensive but I did get some smaller presents too. But most of all I got what I wanted! My new hoverboard, and not only a new hoverboard,...

  • Published from Overblog

    07 June 2023

    For an entire week, I had the pleasure of embracing a new and exciting way to commute—my very own electric scooter. Join me on this captivating journey as I explore the city streets, discover hidden gems, and immerse myself in the thrill of commuting...

  • One of my favorite overbloggers

    26 January 2017

    So I've been following this girl like forever at Miss nymeria, actually one of my favorite series. She stopped for a while but now she seems to be back on track with blogging once again, even though posts are totally off subject these days she have a...

  • Making internet unsafe

    11 February 2016

    Hi and welcome, we are Three Girls who will be Writing here now and then. Sometimes we'll all write and sometimes we'll give you our own input on things. You never know! Uncertainty is unsecurity

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